Tuesday 8 March 2016

...and some overdue introductions.

Dunno why we didn't do this earlier, but reading back through what we've written so far it might appear that we're trying to remain anonymous. No excuses, really, just clueless.

Hi! I'm Sue. I like travelling and exploration. I don't like hats. But if I don't wear one my hair goes a funny colour in the sun, so this is how you'll see me if we meet on the road anywhere south of Santander and HE said I should wear it for this photo and it's easier if I just agree.
I'm currently in the middle of a Masters in Forensic Science which I've put "on hold" for 6 months while we enjoy ourselves on this trip. My Day Job is in Transport (Human Resources). I don't read maps upside down, change flat tyres or lift heavy things. I do the cooking, keep the Ship's Log and an eye on HIM, which is always a Good Idea. I have a sense of humour - luckily....


I'm Mike. I don't like hats either, but the (one?) trouble with getting to my age is the usual protection from the sun - hair - gets a bit thin and some help is required. Nor do I usually have the Face Fur, but it makes for an easier life. For this trip I decided to grow it early to save on the annoyance of scratching like a Columbian crackhead all the way to TanTan. Like last year. 
I used to work in the transport business too, mainly heavy metal delivery. That job took me all over the world but I retired from an active role about 12 years ago, and since then I've worked in an advisory and training capacity in the same business.  I can read a map upside down and lift things heavier than a handbag. I don't do cooking to the same standard as HER so I stand back, guard the Barbie and admire her expertise. With a beer, generally.    
...and I'm posting this on my birthday. Unlike HER, I'm happyto admit that I'm on the "good side" of 64....                              

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